
This album will contain ten original pieces that are composed using elements from TopoTonics. Semi-chaotic melodies are generated and abstracted into islands of musical equilibrium to create sonic transition states of resonance that aligns your inner angular momenta into a singular coherent state of mind.


This album will contain ten original pieces that are composed by transitioning between two musical phases; asymmetric liquid and symmetric solid. The music oscillates between a liquid asymmetric tonality and solid symmetric atonality creating beautiful sounds that constructively and destructively interfere with one another. This interference establishes a phase-structured equilibrium giving the listener a stimulated feeling of orbital motion...


This album will contain ten original pieces that are composed using elements and styles from the following periods: Baroque and 20st Century.  Symmetry, self-similarity, and group theory is also utilized in this album to produce pieces of music with unique melodic and harmonic structure.

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